Burger King Complaint

Burger King Complaint


The Final Straw - It is more than one thing. Read my comment above.

Burger King WHAT ARE YOU DOING? Really, are you trying to go out of business? No thinking company would purposely take the tact that you are currently on & expect to last in the competitive fast food market. More on the overall complaints in a moment. But, first the experience of 9/2/2014 in Snellville, Georgia. It is 8:00 PM & an order is entered which includes french fries - french fries, not imported foie gras! 15 minutes later the counter associate tells us that "They are out of french fries" When questioned how this is possible, we are told that Tiffany, the new GM "Wants to handle all of this herself" & that "Is just the beginning of the problems". Burger King if you are truly reading this review, find out how this is even remotely possible. 1st that reorder ran this close & 2nd, how is it that the associate working the fryer did not notice the lack of stock when she pulled the previous unit pack. Asleep, disinterested, "Not my job" what? This store has been here a long time & someone along the way today should have noticed that there aren't enough cases of fries to get us through until closing. Then do something about it before someone comes through the door with an order - & then cancel's the whole order like we did. To get back to my opening statemant, it's not just the sloppy inventory control of store #5266, it is larger than just this one incident. It's the "new" culture of Burger King; & I do not mean it in a complimentary way. So here's my bitch list: It would appear that you are interested in making a slider out of your premium burger product the Whopper. Then you have the audacity to advertise it on TV with a bun that you havn't used in years - & don't tell me that the dude's hands that are holding it are small in stature. The bun & its contents havn't looked like that in yeaaaaaaaaaaars! Oh yeah, here's another good idea: Let's go ahead & put the product that sent you skyrocketing to the top of your fast food segment in a lack-luster brown wrapper to drive home the fact that the Whopper has greatly decreased in size (JUST IN CASE YOU MISSED IT). And if you want to have a good laugh, order one of your plain-old-burgers; whoops, better order a couple since they have become nothing but a bun. All righty, now lets get those fries (still the best in the business) over to the condiment stand to pump some ketchup in those souffle cups....hmmm, where did the pump go? And the cups are gone too. And if you're store 5266, the individual serve ketchup packets are gone as well. Did it kill you to offer the customer an intellegent, efficient way to dispense your leading condiment? What happened to the good ideas that put you consistantly ahead of your competition? Yeah, yeah, I own a business too so I understand cost containment. And I get price point too. But somewhere along the line, you & golden arch's are going to end up with something that looks more like it came from the square burger, slider folks. With a name like the Whopper it seems to me that you're becoming the laughing stock of your industry. Face it guy's, it just isn't the case anymore. Take away the chintzy amount of iceburg lettuce & hard to find tomato slice (to be fair, "slices" on occasion) it's a thin, small, lack-luster beef patty eclipsed by a small (but larger than the beef patty) bun. I would like to think that the American public is writing you letters & sending you email complaints like this all of the time in the hopes that you will turn Burger King around. I can only hope. In finality; please send a District Manager or whoever is up-line of a store GM to Snellville, Georgia, Store #5266 & ask why french fries are so problematic for them. As for me & my family, we are about finished with Burger King & will spend our dining dollars elsewhere.

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